Over the next few months, Trail Town Program® will be sharing some sample trip itineraries of things to see and do beyond the trail. With spring in the air and cyclists preparing to hit the trail, our first itinerary will take us to the Great Allegheny Passage with stops to Boston and McKeesport. Located between miles 120 and 126 along … Continue reading
Along the Trail
Make Your Bike Share Your Own!
Bike sharing programs have been growing in popularity as alternative transportation and have become very popular in major cities across the U.S. Bike share programs offered the community alternative, inexpensive, short distance transportation. Within the past year the City of Pittsburgh, PA has recently launched its bike share program, Healthy Ride, run by Pittsburgh Bike Share. This program has 50 … Continue reading
2015 Trail Surveys Show Growing Interest in Outdoor Recreation and Trail Amenities
In 2015, the Trail Town Program® conducted two surveys to collect data from trail users. The General Trail User Survey took a broad approach and looked at trail users across the country. Trail construction has been increasing across the United States. With millions of users utilizing these trails, they have the potential to generate significant economic impact in communities and … Continue reading
PA DCNR Grants Have Been Announced!
On January 28, 2016, DCNR Secretary Cindy Dunn announced investment of $28 million for 176 projects across Pennsylvania. These project will focus on conserving our natural resources and help to revitalize local communities. Some of these exciting projects related to trail trails are as follows: Homestead Borough: Building a 1 mile connector trail from the Great Allegheny Passage to the … Continue reading
Summary of Recent Trail Counts along the Erie to Pittsburgh
Earlier this fall, trail counts took place in several of the Erie to Pittsburgh Trail Towns. Counts included zip code collection to get a picture of where trail users where coming from. The first count took place Friday August 21st from 4-6PM after a previously rainy day. Titusville, Oil City, and Franklin volunteers were able to track 135 trail users … Continue reading