Summary of Recent Trail Counts along the Erie to Pittsburgh

Earlier this fall, trail counts took place in several of the Erie to Pittsburgh Trail Towns. Counts included zip code collection to get a picture of where trail users where coming from. The first count took place Friday August 21st from 4-6PM after a previously rainy day.  Titusville, Oil City, and Franklin volunteers were able to track 135 trail users … Continue reading

Fall Trail Town Workshops!

The Trail Town Program® is happy to announce our fall Trail Town Workshops. There will be two workshops held over two weeks covering various topics. Monday, November 9th – Crawford Center, Emlenton, PA – FREE Trip Planning and Marketing – 1:30 – 4:30pm Registration will begin at 1pm. This workshop will feature speakers from, Venture Outdoors, Wilderness Voyagers, Allegheny Outfitters, … Continue reading

How To “Green” Your Business

Most of us realize that human consumption and waste has contributed to the environmental issues we see today. But just how bad are we Americans on the environment? First of all, we’re wasteful—a recent study from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory found that the US wastes as much as 61 percent of its energy. Second, we produce more than our … Continue reading

Seeking Trail User Information!

We are currently conducting a survey to find out what trail users are looking for during their journeys on the trail. Please take our survey and share it out! Survey Results will be available between October and November 2015. Any questions regarding this survey please contact us.